C Program to implement Doubly Linked list

Simple C Program to implement Doubly Linked list with following operations:

  • Insertion at end
  • Insertion at front
  • Insert after a value
  • Insert before a value
  • Delete at end
  • Delete at front
  • Delete after a value
  • Delete before a value
  • Delete element itself
  • Delete the whole list
  • Display


struct node{
 int data;
 struct node *next;
 struct node *prev;
struct node *head,*tail;
void insertend(){
 int val;
 printf("\nEnter the value to be Entered: ");
 struct node *head2;
 struct node *temp;
 temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
void insertf(){
 int val;
 printf("Enter a value to be entered ");
 struct node *temp;
 temp=(struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
void insertafter(){
 int val,target;
 printf("\nEnter the number after insert: ");
 printf("Enter the value to be inserted: ");
 struct node *head2;
 struct node *temp;
 temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
 while(head2->data!=target && head2->next!=head){
 else{printf("\nElement not found!");}
void insertbefore(){
 int val,target;
 printf("\nEnter the number before insert: ");
 printf("Enter the value to be inserted: ");
 struct node *head2;
 struct node *temp;
 temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
 else if(head->next==head || head->data==target){insertf();}
 while(head2->next->data!=target && head2->next->next!=head){
 else{printf("Element not found");}
void deleteend(){
 struct node *head2;
 printf("Deletion not possible");
 struct node *temp;
 free (temp);
void deletefront(){
 printf("Deletion not possible");
 struct node *temp;
void deleteafter(){
 struct node *head2;
 int a;
 printf("\nEnter the number after which the number is to be deleed: ");
 if(head==NULL || head->next==head){printf("\nDeletion not possible");}
 while(head2->data!=a && head2->next!=head){
 struct node *temp;
 else{printf("Element not found");}
void deletebefore(){
 struct node *head2;
 int a;
 printf("\nEnter the number bedore which the number is to be deleed: ");
 if(head2->next==NULL || head==NULL){
 printf("\nDeletion not possible");
 else if(head->data==a){deleteend();}
 else {
 while(head2->next->next->data!=a && head2->next->next->next!=head){
 struct node *temp;
 else{printf("Element not found");}
void deleteitself(){
 struct node *head2;
 int a;
 printf("\nEnter the number to be deleted: ");
 if(head2->next==head || head==NULL){
 printf("\nDeletion not possible");
 else if(head->data==a){deletefront();}
 while(head2->next->data!=a && head2->next->next!=head){
 struct node *temp;
 else{printf("Element not found");}
void deletelist(){
struct node *head2=head;
struct node *temp;
if(head==NULL){printf("Deletion is not possible");}
 while (head2!=head){
void display(){
 printf("List is empty!");
 struct node *head2=head;
void displayback(){
 if(head==NULL || tail==NULL){printf("list is empty!");}
 struct node * tail2;
int opt;
printf("\n1. Insert a number");
printf("\t2. Insert at front");
printf("\t3. Insert after");
printf("\t4. Insert before");
printf("\t5. Delete at end");
printf("\t6. Delete from front");
printf("\t7. Delete after");
printf("\t8. Delete before");
printf("\t9. Delete itself");
printf("\t10. Delete the list");
printf("\t11. Display from front ");
printf("\t12. Display from back");
printf("\t13. Exit");
printf("\nEnter your choice: ");
 case 1:
 case 2:
 case 3:
 case 4:
 case 5:
 case 6:
 case 7:
 case 8:
 case 9:
 case 10:
 case 11:
 case 12:


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